by Étienne DOUAT and Maryse ESTERLE – march 2010


Maryse ESTERLE is teacher and researcher at the teacher’s school (Institut Universitaire de Formation des Maîtres) of the Université d’Artois and member of the CESDIP. Étienne DOUAT is teacher and researcher at the Université de Poitiers (GRESCO [1]) and associate researcher at the CESDIP for the present research project. This paper describes the approach and main findings of an action research project on the prevention of truancy and school dropout within the Académie de Paris [2].


This action research project on the prevention of school absenteeism and dropping out was first formulated during the 2006-2007 school year. It was conducted, under the patronage of the Paris Académie, in those of Paris’ most affected schools which agreed to participate. These high schools (liberal arts and vocational) and junior high schools had been experiencing repeated truancy among students, many of whom left school without a degree. Some schools had already set up prevention or remedial schemes.


[1] Groupe de Recherches et d’Études Sociologiques de Centre Ouest.
[2] ESTERLE M., DOUAT É., 2007-2009, Recherche-action autour de la lutte contre l’absentéisme et le décrochage scolaire et pour le renforcement de l’assiduité des élèves, Paris, Académie de Paris, GIP- FCIP, FSE. France is divided into areas known as académies for educational administration purposes.


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