by Maryse ESTERLE– october 2013


Maryse ESTERLE is a sociologist, honorary assistant professor at the Université d’Artois and associate researcher at the CESDIP. She has conducted several studies on dropping out and truancy, as well as an action-research project on preventing absenteeism in the Paris school system.


Early school-leaving receives much attention, in the form of prevention and help schemes. Its effects are well known : difficulty in finding employment, isolation and drifting, youths who become delinquents or step up their illegal activities… An action-research program, implemented by Maryse Esterle in collaboration with Thomas Pierre, who was especially in charge of the quantitative aspect of the study and of consulting students’ files, was conducted from January 2011 to December 2012 in conjunction with the introduction of the Accueil réussite éducative Pelleport , a school achievement helping hand program [1] (AREP).

[1] ESTERLE M., (Ed.), THOMAS P., researcher at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Present-day Anthropology (l’Institut Interdisciplinaire d’Anthropologie du Contemporain – IIAC) and researcher at the CESDIP for this research-action), 2011-2012, Élèves en rupture… Reconstruire sa posture d’élève pour renouer avec la réussite, recherche-action : pour une prévention du décrochage scolaire, accompagnement des professionnels dans les collèges et au lieu ressource rue Pelleport, Paris XXe, Guyancourt-Paris, CESDIP-FSE-GIP-Académie de Paris.


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